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Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Build or Convert Computer into Wireless Hotspot

Turn your Laptop into a Wifi Hotspot or Modem

In our day-to-day life, internet is unavoidable. We often come across several situations where we need to share a single internet connection available at the time for more than one system. Example, in offices, colleges, hostels, hotels etc. Wi-Fi routers or LAN connections are used for such purposes.

But it is not always possible to carry such hardware or installing them newly. Therefore a complexity arises in sharing the internet. One temporary solution is to setup an ad-hoc network. But the major drawbacks in it are, only one system can be connected, requires additional configuration of network whenever a new node is introduced into the network and also this created network is not detected by all devices like cell-phones, PDAs etc..
Features of mHotspot:
  • Mhotspot is a portable software(i.e. no need to install).
  • No external hardware is required.
  • Extends the Wi-Fi range.
  • Its is FREE.
  • It can be used to extend the wifi range.
Security  of mHotspot:
  • Every user should enter the password to use Internet.
  • Password is required to stop un-authorized users.
  • Wi-Fi is secured with “WPA2-PSK” Encryption.
  • It is equal to the security provided by a normal router.
By using mhotspot in a laptop, it can be able to share the internet through Wi-Fi easily to any device and any number of devices. It creates an infrastructure mode network which unlike ad-hoc network and is exactly similar to the type of network created by a traditional Wi-Fi router.

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