If you’re the kind of person who thinks that Apple can do no wrong, and that anyone who points out that the emperor occasionally has no clothes is a filthy disciple of Bill Gates in the pay of the Wintel conspiracy then stop reading right now.
In the past I’ve been guilty of saying bad things about Apple and
their users but Shaun’s keeping me honest on this one. Let us know if
you think we’ve missed anything in the comments section below.
Honourable mention: Mac Portable
Iain Thomson:
OK, we can all have a giggle at ‘portable’ computers from the early days
of computing but at nearly 16 pounds the Mac Portable really was taking
the piss.
It was four inches
thick, bulky enough to be awkward to carry and had a screen that was
unreadable half the time, with the original models. Occasionally you’d
see some poor devil struggling down the street with one of these and
hope he or she had a good chiropractor. The fact they’d paid a small
fortune for the device can’t have helped their mood either.
The Mac Portable also
had a novel problem when it came to power. Because the power supply was
wired in series if you ran the batteries down completely then the
computer wouldn’t recharge. This led to a lot of users having to find
workarounds to avoid owning a very expensive doorstop.
Shaun Nichols:
It’s hard to believe that in only two years time Apple went from the
suitcase monstrosity that was the Mac Portable to the sleek, powerful
Powerbook 170 model.
The two systems were
night and day: the portable was big. Like 16 pounds worth of big. The
Powerbook was smaller, just as powerful and sported a great design and
big, bright screen.
As Iain noted, the
Portable used lead acid battery packs that didn’t do it too many
favours. They made the system both heavy and unreliable. Add to that the
full compliment of drives and connections, and you had monster of a
computer that in reality wasn’t much more portable than a regular
desktop box.
This was a rare case in
which Apple messed up by putting computing muscle above sleek form
factor. Fortunately they were able to correct the issues by 1991 with
the first Powerbooks.
Honourable Mention: Color Classic
Shaun Nichols: While
making the list I jokingly suggested to Iain that we could do an entire
Top 10 list based on what Apple did between 1991 and 1996. In fact,
don’t be surprised if we actually do one this summer.
The Color Classic was a
system that might have been a good idea had it been rolled out a few
years earlier. The aim was to produce a compact system in the style of
the original Mac models, but equip it with a colour screen. In essence, a
system that combined the best features of the classic Macs with the
best features of the latest Macs.
Unfortunately, the
actual product managed to combine the worst of both worlds. The space
constraints of the classic case limited the effectiveness of the colour
screen and forced the company to go with underpowered hardware.
Meanwhile, the falling cost of computers made the Color Classic’s $1800
price tag seem steep for a low-end system.
Iain Thomson: Technically the Color Classic is part of the Performa range, of which more will be said later.
The failings of this
system are many and manifold. A colour screen sounds good but in fact
didn’t add much to the computer, besides jacking up the price
considerably. Originally designed for the education market the Color
Classic failed to get much traction and was not one of Apple’s success
It could be argued that
this system forced Apple to rethink building screens into systems. Sure
it looks very good but it increases the overall cost of the system and
limits users to a particular view. Built-in screens made sense at the
start of the computing age but they have thankfully gone the way of the
10. QuickTake
Iain Thomson: In the early 1990s Apple decided to get into the digital camera
business. This was during Scully’s ill-fated first attempt to get into
the consumer electronics market and nothing typified why this didn’t
work more than QuickTake.
At the time the digital
camera market was in its infancy and megapixel ranges were so low you
wouldn’t even consider them usable in your phone today. Nevertheless
Apple chose a stinker of a product to slap its logo on. The QuickTake
range were outdated at launch, had no zoom or focus and stored just
eight pictures.
Sure you could download
your snaps very easily onto your computer but that hardly made it a
usable product. It typified Apple’s approach at the time, when the
company’s management thought that its users would buy almost anything if
it had an Apple logo on it. That attitude seems to be largely reformed
now, although if you look at the iPod Shuffle I have my doubts.
Shaun Nichols: Peripherals
are very much a hit-or-miss area for Apple. Sometimes you get a great
product like the Cinema Display or the Laserwriter, and other times you
get the QuickTake.
In hindsight, we can say
that computer companies make for lousy digital camera vendors. The
high-end brands we see in the market today are almost all companies that
made old-fashioned film cameras, and that’s because it turns out that
the digital part of the camera is actually the easy part. It’s the
optics technology and features that really make the difference.
That Apple wouldn’t be
able to make a decent digital camera should be no more surprising than
finding out that the engineers at Nikon build pretty lousy desktop operating systems.
9. Pippin
Shaun Nichols: For many years now users have been clamouring for Apple to step up its efforts in the computer gaming space. If they knew about the short-lived Pippin, however, they may just change their minds.
While it didn’t compare
to the video game boom of the early 1980s, there was a brief period of
time in the mid-1990s when faster processors and CD-Rom games were
looking to replace the old cartridge consoles. This opened the door to
new companies and led to the launch of a handful of competing consoles.
The Sony Playstation
came out as the big winner of this era, but there were many other
consoles that didn’t make it into the later end of the decade. Among
them was the ill-fated Apple Pippin.
Basically, the idea was
to modify the Macintosh hardware and operating system and then license
the whole platform out to third party vendors as a gaming console. The
result was the Apple-Bandai Pippin.
Unfortunately for Apple,
developers didn’t quite jump at the idea, and with little outside
support, the Pippin sold less than 100,000 units.
Iain Thomson: Actually I heard less than 50,000 but we’ll agree to differ.
The Pippin was designed
and sold as a computer but perceived, rightly or wrongly, as a gaming
console. As such the price tag for the system was too expensive for the
gaming market and the platform failed to take hold. Games manufacturers
too were less than enthralled. The console market was more crowded than
it is today and they had enough to worry about with other systems.
As Microsoft found out
to its cost entering the gaming console market is a major step. It’s
fashionable to dismiss consoles as dumb computers but it is a
sophisticated market to crack and you need a great console, wide support
and great games. The Pippin failed on all three counts.
8. iPod Hi-Fi
Iain Thomson: In the summer of 2006 I was at a particularly bad party when I first saw one of these.
Our host had picked it
up one from a recent trip to the US and had his iPod in the top to
provide background music. I’m a bit of a hi-fi nerd so asked him what he
used for his normal music. It turns out this was his hi-fi, and when he
told me how much he’d paid for it restraining my disbelieving laughter
was hard.
From a sound perspective
the iPod Hi-Fi had all the depth and fidelity of a drunken
one-night-stand. The docking station wasn’t compatible with some iPods
and while having two speakers next door to each other is all well and
good from a design perspective but it cripples any attempt as stereo
sound. For the same money you could have bought a semi-decent hi-fi
system that played CDs, cassettes and linked into your computer.
The iPod Hi-Fi
highlights a consistent theme in Apple’s audio approach. When it comes
to converting data into sound the company is top notch, DRM issues
aside. But it always seems to fail at the final gateway.
The iPod is a wonderful
device for storing and playing music for example, but the earbud
headphones are dire in the extreme. Its desktop systems fared better,
but only just. When it comes to audio Apple needs to look at music from
start to end, not just from the data perspective.
Shaun Nichols:
Apple did manage to get some pretty good sound when it teamed up with
Harman Kardon on the SoundSticks, so it’s not like they’re incapable of
producing a decent speaker system.
Unfortunately, the iPod
Hi-Fi was not one of those products. Really, it was a classic case of
Apple not knowing when to back off and let its partners develop the
products rather than compete with an in-house offering.
As Iain noted, the basic
design didn’t lend itself well to solid acoustics. Probably not a big
issue when you’re using it as a desktop or bedside stereo system, but
for $350 the Hi-Fi should have delivered the performance of a complete
home stereo system.
In the case of the
Hi-Fi, it was better to just go low-tech: plug your iPod into the wall
charger and plug the headphone jack into your regular stereo system or
even a high-end set of computer speakers.
7. PowerPC
Shaun Nichols:
Some might be surprised by this one, but hear me out before you pick up
the torches and pitchforks. The PowerPC project was a marvellous piece
of engineering, but not a great business decision.
The merits of the chip
itself are readily apparent today, derivatives of the POWER line are
widely used for high-performance systems, gaming consoles and embedded
But it wasn’t the right
choice for personal computers. The high price of the chips combined with
its increased energy consumption were all major drawbacks, as was the
ordeal involved in porting over software from x86 platforms such as
There were many factors to the growth in Mac
sales Apple has seen in the last five years, but the decision to go
from PowerPC to Intel x86 processors should certainly be recognised as
key. As the largest chip maker on the planet, Intel is far more able to
develop and supply chips tuned to the needs of Apple’s desktop and
notebook models on a scale the IBM-Motorola partnership never could.
Iain Thomson: Well you certainly surprised me when you came out with this one Shaun.
The decision to go for
the RISC architecture was a good one at the time; it certainly made
sense from an engineering standpoint. It also encouraged competition in
the computer marketplace, but by the time serious work started on
PowerPC that battle had been lost and failing to get on board with Intel
basically condemned Apple developers and customers to a ghetto of
also-rans, with a tiny per cent of the market.
The PowerPC chips were
marvellous bits of engineering to be sure, but squabb ling among the
various partners, as well as the technical limitations of the chip for
PCs, doomed the whole process. There’s still a place for PowerPC chips,
usually in your car control system, but they have little place in the
6. Mac OS9
Iain Thomson:
OS9, released in 1999, was Apple’s last flogging of the dead horse that
was System 7. It was a dog of an operating system in many ways, and a
great thing to remind OSX fanboys about during flamewars.
Newly-returned Steve
Jobs might have hailed OS9 as the best thing since sliced bread but OS9
was pathetically bad at multitasking and if you were trying to do more
than two things at once reboots were the order of the day. I wasn’t
using Macs at that point but judging from the frequent, loud and
occasionally obscene comments coming from the design department I
gathered it had few fans there.
Ever since Apple’s move
to the Intel processor platform OS9 has been largely incompatible but
there are still a few dedicated fans running OS9 and keeping the flame
sputtering. Why they bother is beyond me. OSX is a great bit of work and
there’s no reason not to upgrade.
Shaun Nichols: Come on now, Iain, Jobs had to play up OS9.
What was he going to
say? “Look, we’re working on a decent operating system, but until we can
figure out how to make it run without setting your computer on fire,
here’s a few bells and whistles on the same crappy system we’ve used
since the Reagan years.”
OS9 was pretty much a
stopgap. Apple tried to play it up as much as they could, but it was
pretty much implied that they were just trying to have something fresh
to pitch with the new computers. Much like Microsoft tossing out updates
between Windows 98 and XP, the company was just meeting the marketing
cycle while it worked on the real update.
I also think that OS9
gets a bad rap because it was followed by such a huge leap in OS X. When
you run the two side by side you feel like you’re hopping into a time
machine 10 years in the future.
Ironically, because it
can run in tandem with OS X on PowerPC systems, OS9 is also probably the
most widely used version of the old MacOS still floating ar ound today.
5. eWorld
Shaun Nichols:
Unless you’re a Mac user going back to the early 1990s, chances are you
never heard of eWorld. Like most of Apple’s commercial flops, the
ill-fated ISP was an intriguing concept marred by high cost and low
eWorld was an
interesting spin on the walled-garden ISP that was so popular at the
beginning of the commercial internet. The dial-up service was navigated
as a city-style layout. Users accessed different areas of the service by
clicking on ‘buildings,’ such as the post office for email or the town
hall for chat and forum pages.
Unfortunately, eWorld
suffered from the same shortcomings that plagued Apple throughout the
decade; it was expensive and obscure.
On top of an $8.95 monthly fee that included 2 free hours of access, users had to shell out $5 per hour
during business hours and $8 per hour for night and weekend access.
Reading this article on eWorld would have cost you roughly the price of a
good sandwich.
Additionally, Apple
decided to limit the service to Mac users in hopes of boosting hardware
sales. Because taking on Microsoft wasn’t enough, Apple apparently
wanted to go after AOL at the same time.
To nobody’s surprise, the service folded in 1996.
Iain Thomson: Shaun had to explain to me what eWorld was, since I’d never heard of it. Based on my research I can see why.
eWorld was an attempt to
make the internet a user-friendly place and introduce people to online
activities in a safe way. The end result looks painfully bad, like a
child’s idea of what the internet would look like. Apple however wasn’t
along in sticking useless interfaces on its systems. After all,
Microsoft Bob, is similar in a lot of ways.
But to my mind it was
the cost factor that really killed eWorld. Apple overcharged massively
to the system in a way that makes hotel phone and internet charges look
like a bargain.
4. Performa line
Iain Thomson:
Given Scully’s prior experience in the fizzy drinks market he should
have realised that when it comes to brand choice more is less. Michael
Spindler’s short-lived reign as chief executive carried on his mistake
and it took the hands of Gil Amelio to finally give the line the lethal
injection it so desperately needed.
The Performa line was
Apple’s attempt to segment its market into professional and consumer
computers. It was an abject failure, in part because the plethora of
choices confused buyers, particularly those who weren’t that savvy about
technology to begin with.
Models got different
names if they had slightly bigger hard drives or based on what software
came bundled. Dealers had a tough time keeping a good selection of stock
so many consumers couldn’t get exactly the model they wanted.
To make things worse the
Perfoma line produced some of the worst computers in the company’s
history. Most of the systems were underspecced, over-priced and lacked
any of the design flare that has come to be Apple’s calling card under
the tenure of Jonathan Ive. In the past we’ve singled out the 6200
series for special criticism but to my mind the whole range deserves
Shaun Nichols: When Steve Jobs tells people “we don’t know how to make a cheap computer,” he’s partially referring to the Performa line.
Apple has trouble
producing value machines for a couple of reasons. First, the company
sets its own OS and hardware specifications based on what it wants to
do, not what is readily available. Apple builds MacOSX around the one or
two models it wants to offer. Microsoft designs Windows in large part
around what hardware and components PC vendors want to offer.
The second issue is
volume. Budget PCs have a very thin profit margin, and companies have to
make their money through selling large numbers of the cheaper systems.
Apple simply does not have a large enough market to make low-end systems
Unfortunately, these
were all lessons the company had to learn the hard way with the Performa
series. By cutting back on specs and targeting the low-end market, the
company ended up taking a huge hit to its bottom line while having to
deal with a generation of machines that couldn’t adequately run its
3. “Hockey Puck” mouse
Shaun Nichols:
The release of the original iMac was in many ways revolutionary. The
case design, system specifications and marketing were all hugely
successful. Not as popular, however, was the iMac’s mouse.
Dubbed the ‘hockey
puck,’ the circular, one-button mouse looked pretty slick on a desktop,
but for many people it was also a painful lesson in ergonomics. The
circular design was a radical change from most mice and could put a
great deal of stress on the wrist and elbow.
Some people do still
defend the hockey puck, claiming that if held properly (either via the
fingertips or pressed into the palm) it’s not so bad, but for most
everyone else the mere sight of the puck brings a cringe.
There was some benefit,
however. The hockey puck helped to boost the market for third-party
peripherals, and its cold reception forced Apple to rethink its
ergonomic approach for future mouse designs.
Iain Thomson: I’ve
got a touch of RSI myself at the moment but if I’d been using one of
these for any length of time I’d have to have someone else open my
ketchup these days.
I can only assume Ive
suffered a small episode of petit mal episode when he came up with this
little monstrosity. It looks very pretty to be sure, but for regular
users it was like the Spanish Inquisition had joined Apple’s design
department. It’s about the worst thing I’ve seen him do and it was
thankfully soon dropped. Like Shaun I’m highly sceptical of claims that
if used right it could be fine for the wrist, and who wants to relearn
how to use a mouse?
Thankfully the iMac was
the first to embrace USB so users could use third party supplier’s kit.
It soon became rare to see an iMac with the hockey puck still attached.
2. 20th Anniversary Mac
Iain Thomson: This was very nearly a contender for the number one spot on the list.
In 1997 you could buy a
pretty decent PC system for a couple of thousand dollars. You could buy a
top of the range system for a few thousand dollars more, and a
fantastic monitor to use it with. So why Apple thought people would be
willing to spend $9,000 on an average system in a pretty casing is
beyond me, and everyone else as it turned out.
Apple dropped the price
on launch, and kept dropping it – much to the annoyance of early
adopters who protested at paying such a heavy geek tax. The price fell
and fell and Apple was reduced to selling the final units off at a loss
just to shift stock.
I’m sure the marketing
department thought the idea of producing a 20th Anniversary product was a
wonderful one. But they should have talked to the engineers. Based on
the specifications of the computer, and the state of the competition,
the management must have been using a bit too much Bolivian marching
powder if they thought this one was a goer.
Shaun Nichols: I
don’t necessarily have issues with the 20th Anniversary Mac in itself,
my problem is the time and circumstances in which it was released.
1997 was a time of
outright crisis for Apple. The company was struggling to stay afloat and
facing major budget issues. With many people seriously doubting the
future of the company, the executives chose to occupy precious
engineering, marketing and retail efforts on what amounted to a vanity
The company is staring
down the barrel of bankruptcy court and the execs roll out a $7,500
luxury system that is delivered by limo? Seriously not cool. No wonder
one of Jobs’ first actions upon taking over was to clean house.
I know that the 20th
Anniversary Mac had nothing to do with the company’s financial troubles,
and it was just a little side project to celebrate a company milestone,
but given the timing and setting of the move, it sent a signal that the
people running Apple paid more attention to what happened over the last
20 years than what would happen over the next five.
1. Apple III
Shaun Nichols:
As we’ve seen a few times on this list, sometimes Apple’s brass will let
aesthetics override practicality. Never was this more apparent than
with the infamous Apple III.
To keep the system
compact and the operation quiet, the Apple III eschewed pesky things
like fans and heat sinks, while chips were crammed in together tightly.
The result was a system that ran just a wee bit warm.
In fact, the Apple III
ran so warm that it had a nasty tendency to cause heat damage in floppy
disks and warp the motherboard. The extreme temperatures also tended to
cause chips to come loose from the board, prompting one of the strangest
repair techniques ever. Users were advised to pick the computer up a
few inches off the ground and then drop it, hopefully jostling the chips
back into position.
The Apple III only lasted a few years, and the targeted business market went largely to IBM and the PC platform.
Iain Thomson:
It’s a measure of the temperance of Apple users that buyers of the Apple
III didn’t storm the gates of Cupertino and strangle Steve Jobs with a
power cable.
As Shaun has said the
Apple III gave rise to the most infamous tech support advice in the
history of the industry. If I’d spent nearly $8,000 on a computer I’d
expect advice a tad more reassuring than dropping the system, and Apple
ended up replacing the first 14,000 Apple III’s after howls of protest..
Woz described the Apple
III as designed by the marketing, not engineering, department. That may
be true but the design wasn’t the only problem. The software emulation
on the Apple III was dire and crippled the system, quality control was
poor and the system was oversold. All in all a thoroughly bad egg…